Bumblebees show preference for road-facing hedgerows as pesticides continue to damage habitats

Garden bumblebee (Bombus hortorum)The pollination service provided by bumblebees on the field-side boundaries of hedgerows may be limited because farming methods are having a negative impact on their sources of food, a study has found. Research by ecologists at Plymouth University has shown some of the most common species of bumblebees are more than twice as likely to visit flowers on the road-facing side of hedgerows compared to crop-facing boundaries. Writing in the Journal of Insect Conservation, they say this can be attributed to the pesticides and fertilisers used on crops, and they are dramatically reducing the bees’ potential habitats. Full story: Read more


Swimarathon ActionThe Blackmore Vale Lions organised another successful charity fundraising event on the weekend of the 7th and 8th March. The 28th Swimarathon was held once again at Clayesmore School Sports Centre and 156 swimmers of all ages took part. They made up 27 teams (nominally six to a team) who swam in relay for 55 minutes achieving a total distance of 82 kilometres. Full story: Read more