Beth’s Mount Kili Madness for Mind & Money!

South Somerset Crime Reduction Officer Beth Poole is hoping to raise £500 for the leading mental health charity Mind by attempting to trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

She will be joining a group of 22 Avon and Somerset police colleagues from 1st October to 10th October 2012, aiming to be among the successful 40% of some 15,000 people who attempt to reach the Mount Kilimanjaro Kibo summit each year on the self-funded trek via the Marangu ‘Coca Cola’ route.

Full details: Read More

Halloween Owl Prowl on the Somerset Levels, Wednesday 31st October

A Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve is hosting a spooky

Halloween owl prowl on October 31 as part of the Community Barn Owl Project to get a nest box in every parish. Two events will be taking place at the Trust’s Westhay Moor National Nature Reserve on the Somerset Levels starting with a family fancy dress Halloween owl prowl, 4-6pm, followed by a guided owl walk aimed at adults, 7-9pm. Booking essential.

Full details: Read More