More Somerset business than ever before enter this year’s Somerset Business Awards

Somerset Business Awards 2015The 2015 Somerset Business Awards are now closed and the organisers are delighted to record the most entries in its 11 year history.

More than 160 entries were received from over 100 successful businesses in Somerset. Judges faced their biggest task ever of going through the applications and long-listing the entries. They now they look forward to visiting the successful business, before selecting their finalists for each of the 14 categories.

Commenting on the record-breaking year, Jenn Chidley-Sanders of the Somerset Chamber of Commerce – organisers of the Somerset Business Awards – says, “We are absolutely delighted with the number of entries. Somerset companies never fail to amaze us with the level of passion they portray in their entries, and we look forward to reading all the entries in detail. We wish them the best of luck.”

Shortlisted businesses are currently being visited by the judges and the finalists will be announced at the end of September 2015. Finalists and winners will be celebrated on Friday 23 October at the glittering black tie occasion. The event, which is being held at Wellsprings Leisure Centre in Taunton, has become one of the most important and popular dates in the county’s business calendar.

The Awards are sponsored by a variety of Somerset businesses from the county’s vibrant business community, including main sponsor, Albert Goodman – returning for the fifth consecutive year.

David Griffin, Managing Partner of Albert Goodman, comments, “Every year we see businesses in Somerset continue to flourish and provide valuable growth within the local economy, and this is reflected in the number and quality of entries we have receive. As the main sponsor, Albert Goodman is proud to support the Awards and we wish all the entrants the best of luck with their applications.”

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