Mendip Dance Club will be holding its A.G.M. on Tuesday 25th September, following the usual class which will be taught by Fleur Hoefkens who is also taking the class on the 4th.  Liz of “Pure Moves” Frome is leading the group on the 11th. As always, new “dancers” are always welcome to come along to Chilcompton Village Hall. No previous experience is necessary and the first class is free. If you want to keep fit, make new friends and have fun, come along.

To chat to a member ring Ann 01373 812227 Christine 01761 232158 Jill 01761 232492 or Valerie 01749 347124


Beth’s Mount Kili Madness for Mind & Money!

South Somerset Crime Reduction Officer Beth Poole is hoping to raise £500 for the leading mental health charity Mind by attempting to trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

She will be joining a group of 22 Avon and Somerset police colleagues from 1st October to 10th October 2012, aiming to be among the successful 40% of some 15,000 people who attempt to reach the Mount Kilimanjaro Kibo summit each year on the self-funded trek via the Marangu ‘Coca Cola’ route.

Full details: Read More

Halloween Owl Prowl on the Somerset Levels, Wednesday 31st October

A Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve is hosting a spooky

Halloween owl prowl on October 31 as part of the Community Barn Owl Project to get a nest box in every parish. Two events will be taking place at the Trust’s Westhay Moor National Nature Reserve on the Somerset Levels starting with a family fancy dress Halloween owl prowl, 4-6pm, followed by a guided owl walk aimed at adults, 7-9pm. Booking essential.

Full details: Read More